How can I search nearby public libraries or university libraries' collections?

I'm looking for a book that CSUDH does not have.


There are several options. Using CSU+, you can search for books held by other CSU campus libraries. For more information about CSU+, visit our FAQ. CSU+ delivers books from other CSU libraries directly to the CSUDH Library within 3 to 5 business days.

You can also use WorldCat to search other libraries near and far. In WorldCat, you can see if CSUDH owns the book, or request it be sent to us for you to borrow using Interlibrary Loan (ILL). For more information about ILL, visit our ILL Services page.

In some cases, going directly to your local public library or another university may be your fastest option. It is a good idea to call the library first to make sure they have to book available, and see if they can put it on hold for you. CSUDH students, staff, and faculty have borrowing privileges at all other CSU libraries, including Long Beach, Fullerton, Los Angeles, and Northridge. Make sure to bring your CSUDH ID if you visit their library and borrow books directly from them.

  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2021
  • Views 185
  • Answered By CSUDH Library

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