How can I find scholarly, peer-reviewed articles?


Looking for peer-reviewed articles? Try searching for keywords related to your topic in OneSearch or a library database. You can combine keywords with connectors, and use quotation marks to keep terms together as a phrase. 

If you're in OneSearch, you can filter your results and select Peer-reviewed/scholarly

Search results in CSUDH Library OneSearch for k-pop and globalization with refine my results panel and peer-reviewed/scholarly filter highlighted.


Most of our databases also have a filter for peer-reviewed journal articles. Look for a filters section in each database typically at the top of the page or on the sides.

screenshot of search screen with color perception and mood and peer review filter highlighted at the top of the page

Some databases may not have an exact filter for peer-review but you can use a filter for the type of source where peer-reviewed articles are found such as, Academic Journals.

  • Last Updated May 20, 2024
  • Views 10861
  • Answered By CSUDH Library

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