What services do guests to CSUDH have access to in the library?

Can guests to the library and community members (not students, staff, or faculty) use the computers, check out books, use the databases, use the wifi, or other library services?


Guests to the library are welcome to access and use the library building, read books in the library, and use the library WiFi as a guest using their own laptop or other device.  Guests can also access materials in the Gerth Archives and Special Collections including rare books, manuscripts, and the CSU System Archives. At this time off-campus database access, use of the CSUDH computers, or study rooms to guests. Guests can apply for a Library Associate card by filling out an online application and paying a $35 annual fee in person at the University Library.

For more information about guest privileges, please see the University Library Alumni and Guest Policies page. 

If you are a CSU student, staff, or faculty member at another campus like Long Beach or Fullerton you can check out materials using your CSU ID card. Likewise, we have some reciprocal borrowing agreements with El Camino and Compton College where you can check out some materials.

  • Last Updated Oct 01, 2021
  • Views 1014
  • Answered By CSUDH Library

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