I lost my book. What should I do?

I can't find my book and it's due.


First, spend some time looking for the book. There is a grace period of 30 days for books from the general collection and CSU+ items before they are considered lost and are billed to you. Because reserve materials are specialized with much shorter checkout periods than other books, they have little or no grace period for being overdue, and are billed to your account much more quickly.

Items from the general collection or CSU+ do not accrue overdue fines if they are returned during the grace period. Reserve items will accrue overdue fines, so please return these on time! 

Replacement bills are issued when patrons fail to return checked out materials within the grace period after their due date and time.

Each bill includes the following: a bill processing fee, a replacement charge for the item, and the maximum overdue fine per item. The current replacement fee is $65.00 per item or the actual cost of the item, whichever is higher. Neither the bill processing fee nor the maximum overdue charge is refundable.

Item Cost Replacement Cost Processing Fee Maximum Overdue Charge Total Replacement Charge
$65.00 or less $65.00 $20.00 $25.00 $110.00
Greater than $65.00 Item Cost $20.00 $25.00 Item Cost + $45.00


Materials billed for replacement which are returned within 6 months of the original due date will have the replacement charge reduced to the Bill Processing fee ($20.00) plus the maximum overdue fine ($25.00). In some cases, you may avoid replacement charges by supplying the library with a replacement copy of the same volume/edition or an acceptable substitute. For more information regarding acceptability of a replacement, contact Joanna Kimmitt (email) at (310) 243-2088 or Robert Downs (email) at (310) 243-2404.

If you have questions about a lost item, a bill, or wish to make arrangements for payment, please contact Library User Services at circulation@csudh.edu or (310) 243-3712 to speak with a User Services team member.

  • Last Updated Jun 03, 2021
  • Views 233
  • Answered By Robert Downs

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