How do I find psychological tests and measurements?


PsycTESTS contains the full-text of some tests, instruments & scales.

Many tests are not available in their entirety and they can be tricky to find. Some tests are also only available for purchase and use by licensed practitioners. Following the steps below are your best bet for tracking down the full-text of a test/measure/scale.

1) Start with PsycTests

Start by searching PsycTests for a full-text test or measure. Most tests/measures/scales aren't ever published in their entirety.


2) Check the Journal Article Methodology & Appendix

If you didn't find something in PsycTests or are beginning with a journal article your next step is to thoroughly read the methods section of a journal article. Do the authors describe themselves as creating the test? Are they applying a test/measure created by someone else? Do they include a copy in the figures in the article? Do they include a copy as an appendix?

3) Try Citation Chaining in Google Scholar

If you have the test/measure/scale name or the article where you first heard of the test and still have not been able to find the full text your next step is to check Google Scholar. Can you find the full-text there? Can you find further information on the test's development which may lead you to the full text or more information about the test/measure?


4) Try Google

Still not finding it? Next let's try a regular Google search to see if the author of the test or a researcher has published the full-text on their personal website which may not be indexed by Google Scholar. You can also try searching Google just for PDF files by typing file:.pdf at the beginning of your search.

5) Contact the Author

Finally, you can contact the author of the original test and describe how you would like to use the full-text in your class project. If the journal article is relatively recent you should see author contact details such as an email address included as a footnote or next to the author's name. This is sometimes the only way to access a test/measure.

For more tips see the Tests & Measurements Research Guide

  • Last Updated Dec 11, 2020
  • Views 534
  • Answered By Carolyn Caffrey

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