How do I find an empirical research article?


Empirical Research is research based on observed and measured evidence. It's different than articles based solely on theories or belief and from literature reviews, both of which are other common types of journal articles.

You can search for empirical research articles in any of our databases using keywords for your topic. Once you have an article skim it to see if the article mentions methods or a methodology section where the researchers describe how they did their study. If the researchers describe an observation, a survey, an interview, a test used, or other ways to gather evidence this all indicates that the article you are looking at is empirical research. If you see keywords such as "literature review", "meta analysis", or "systematic review", especially in the title those can be strong indicators that what you are looking at is not empirical research.

Few databases have a filter for empirical research. PsycINFO is the main database for psychology related research and allows you to search for empirical research specifically. Using the methodology to select "empirical research" as well as more specific methods that are empirical such as "brain imagining," "interview," or "focus group." You can find the methodology filter at the top under "All Filters" and then the right side of the screen.

  • Last Updated Feb 24, 2025
  • Views 837
  • Answered By CSUDH Library

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