How do I know if the CSUDH Library has limited access to an eBook?


Just like when a physical book is checked out a library, eBooks may not always be available. When you open a library link to an eBook, the detailed description on the first page will give its availability. Because of licensing restrictions and fees associated with online access, some restrictions to viewing and downloading eBooks may apply. Common eBook availabilities include:

  • 1 copy / simultaneous user
  • 3 copies / simultaneous users
  • Unlimited access / users

For example, the CSUDH Library has access to 3 eBook copies of Yoder-Wise, P. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed.). This means only 3 people can view this eBook at one time.

If 3 people are already viewing the eBook and using the 3 available copies, close your browser and try again later.

There are also restrictions to the number of pages that you can download. For this eBook, you can download up to 64 pages as a PDF to view in any PDF software.

Leading and Managing in Nursing ProQuest Ebook Central. Availability. This institution has access to 3 copies of this book.


  • Last Updated Dec 17, 2020
  • Views 214
  • Answered By Past User

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