How do I watch a Kanopy film?

I used to be able to watch Kanopy films, but now it's showing me a request form.


The University Library offers content from several streaming media services, including Kanopy.

Beginning Fall 2019, Kanopy films without instant access are available upon request. To request a film, you must:

  • Be a current CSUDH instructor or student, 
  • Have a valid CSUDH or ToroMail email address, and
  • Have an educational or research based-need to access the film.

It's easy to request films! Simply browse Kanopy content at Once you identify a film you want to watch, click the "request" link and fill out the form (pictured below). Instructors: please also include the course name and number in the "Your Message" field. The library will respond to requests via email by the end of the following business day.

Image result for kanopy request form

Quick links to our other streaming media providers:

Why is the library doing this?

To be frank, budget. The library does not own Kanopy content; rather, we lease access to individual films for a one-year term via a model known as “patron-driven acquisitions.” Under this model, CSUDH users can browse the entire Kanopy catalog, and the films that get watched are the ones that get purchased. After the one-year term ends, the film must be re-purchased if we want to continue access.

CSUDH Kanopy films have exploded in popularity in the last 18 months, and sadly our collections budget cannot keep pace. We are therefore limiting our acquisition of films to those that will be used for academic purposes (not entertainment). Other academic and public libraries are also grappling with affording Kanopy at this time; see this NY Times article for more information.

How can I request a film?

Go to the Kanopy website at, navigate to your desired film, and hit the play button. If we have already leased the film it will play instantly; otherwise, a request form will pop up. Complete the form, and be sure to include your course name and number in the “Your Message” section.  We will respond to you via email ASAP, and by the end of the following business day at the very latest. See the top of this page for more information.

I want to assign/show a Kanopy Film. How can I be sure it will be ready for viewing by the time I want to share it with my class?

We will do our utmost to respond same-day to requests submitted between our business hours of 8am – 5pm. Otherwise, we will respond by the end of the following business day at the very latest. We ask that where possible, please submit your requests at least 2 business days in advance to ensure ample processing time.

I’m re-using a Kanopy film that I have previously taught/assigned. Will it still be available to watch now?

It depends on the date the film was first leased. Kanopy licenses last 12 months, and films must be re-purchased after they expire. To check the expiration date for specific films and ensure they are active in time for your class, please contact Wendy Vermeer:

Is there a limit to the number of films I can request?

Not at this time; the library will honor all requests from current CSUDH affiliates (including students) for the academic use of Kanopy films. However, we ask that you consider limiting your requests to films that you explicitly assign/show to students as part of your course, and refrain from requesting “just-in-case” supplementary material that may not receive any use.

Are there alternatives to Kanopy?

The library offers access to two other streaming video providers: Academic Video Online (AVON) and Films on Demand. Unlike Kanopy’s title-by-title model, the library pays a flat annual subscription fee for their content. All three providers offer broad coverage of our undergraduate curriculum, and all three have unique strengths and shortcomings. Just as we often see with popular on-demand streaming providers like Netflix and Hulu, some films and distributors are exclusive to one of the three. When choosing films for your courses, we encourage you to browse all three providers and select the best quality content possible, irrespective of library acquisition model.

Faculty may also work with Instructional Media Services to make non-library films available to students. For more information, contact Dylan Lewis:

What about DVDs?

Sorry, the library is unable to purchase DVDs at this time.

  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2024
  • Views 2245
  • Answered By CSUDH Library

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