How do I cite drug information from UpToDate?


APA 7th edition provides an example for citing articles in UpToDate; however, drug information is often proprietary and uses the group author element and missing information, or n.d. for "no date." Check out the example below for Aspirin: Drug information

Reference List Example: 

Lexicomp. (n.d.). Aspirin: Drug information. UpToDate. Retrieved March 12, 2020, from

Here’s a brief explanation of each element in the reference citation: 

  • Author – Since drug information is provided by a company rather than associated with any individual authors, use the name of the drug company (e.g. Lexicomp) as a group author
  • Date – Since there is no specific date of publication listed, use n.d. for "no date."
  • Title – Use the title of the drug information article as it appears. 
  • Source – Typically, database information isn’t necessary in an APA 7th edition. However, UpToDate includes original, proprietary content so it would be listed in the source element and italicized. 
  • Retrieval Date – Typically, retrieval dates aren't necessary in APA 7th edition. However, since drug information provided in this database is designed to change over time, you would still include a retrieval date using the Month, Day Year format of when you accessed the information. 
  • URL – Include the CSUDH Library subscription link to UpToDate content.
  • Last Updated Dec 17, 2020
  • Views 15374
  • Answered By Past User

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