How do I share a permanent link to an EBSCO or ProQuest article?

​How to find permalinks in EBSCO and ProQuest Databases for sharing throughout the CSUDH community.


EBSCO Databases

Navigate to the desired article, look for a chain icon with the word "Permalink" on the middle-right of the screen, then click on "Permalink" and copy and paste the resulting URL that generates above the article title.

Screenshot of EBSCO article with permalink tool button and generated permalink highlighted.


ProQuest Databases

Navigate to the desired article, click on the "Details" or "Abstract/Details" link underneath the brief article description, then scroll down to "Document URL" and copy/paste the complete link provided.

ProQuest article with Document URL metadata section highlighted.


  • Last Updated Jun 03, 2021
  • Views 149
  • Answered By Hannah Lee

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