How do I find out if the Library owns a peer-reviewed journal (not article)?
How to find out if the CSUDH Library owns a peer-reviewed journal by journal name or by subject?
Please follow the following step-by-step guide:
The following image is the Library Home page. From the Library Home page: Step 1: From Library OneSearch, click on the dropdown menu. Select: Journals & Magazines. Step 2: Type in the journal name, or a subject, e.g. early childhood education
The next screen is the Journal Search page: Follow Step 3: Click on the journal title.
The next screen is the OneSearch journal title record page: Following Step 4: Click on the "Full text available at:" link to get to the individual journal page.
Once you are on the journal publication details page: Follow Step 5: Click on publication year & issue on the right side to get to the issues and articles.