How do I cite Census data in APA?


If you're citing data from the U.S. Census Bureau (, you can follow APA 7th edition guidelines for webpages on a website with a retrieval date

Reference List Example: 

U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). Without health care coverage in ZCTA5 90804. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved September 27, 2022, from

Here's a brief explanation of each element in the reference list: 

  • For the author element, use U.S. Census Bureau. 
  • Use n.d. for no date since there is no date for this specific web page. 
  • Use the title of the data point as the title of the work and use italics. 
  • Then list U. S. Department of Commerce as the parent agency.
  • Add a retrieval date. This is uncommon in APA 7th edition, but you should include it here since contents of a page are designed to change over time.
  • Include the URL for 
  • Last Updated Sep 27, 2022
  • Views 57560
  • Answered By Past User

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