Library Resources to Support Education (COE) Faculty Research & Publishing:


Library Resources to Support Education (COE) Faculty Research & Publishing:

Cabell's Directories:

Cabell's Directories provides journal information designed to help you prepare a manuscript for publication. Each entry describes the type of review process, acceptance rate, time required for review, journal metrics, and more. Disciplines covered include Business, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Education, Library Science, Life Sciences, Health Management, Nursing, and Psychology.

SAGE Research Methods:

SAGE Research Methods: includes everything you need to know about research methods in the social and behavioral sciences. It provides material to guide users through every step of the research process, from students learning how to conduct research to faculty conducting research for publication.


Use Scopus 1) to find potential research collaborators and discover who has collaborated with institution colleagues. 2) This large multidisciplinary database also helps stay current in your fields by accessing the most influential peer-review journals and articles within a given discipline. Use the "Find@CSUDH" button to access the full text in another library database.

- Education Focused Article Databases:

A-Z Databases: Education & Liberal Studies (

- Meet your liaison librarian: (cited from )

Meet with a librarian for one-on-one or group faculty consultations to assist you with the use of library resources including our online databases.

Librarians can also help you: 

  • Identify publications for a particular project
  • Evaluate the peer review process and indexing of a journal
  • Understand when and how to seek and obtain permission to reproduce images in publications
  • Analyze and generate author and article metrics
  • Understand and negotiate author agreements

Check out these publishing research guides: 



  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2022
  • Views 66
  • Answered By Willow / Librarian

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