How to do topic analysis before starting your research:


Topic Analysis Example:

1. Write down your topic:  College going culture

2. Reform your topic into a question: (Ask yourself: What do I want to know about this topic?)

What is the college going culture and statistics for Latino youth?

3. Analyze the topic:

  • What subject area do you want to focus on --- decide which subject databases to start searching:  
    • Subject areas: Examples below:
      • You can say: general subject, to start searching the OneSearch
      • You can choose Education subject, to start searching the Education databases
      • You can choose Psychology subject, to start searching Psychology databases
      • You can choose History, to start searching History databases
  • What time period: last 20 years
  • What age group: college students; youth
  • Which country/areas: United States
  • Or what ethnic group: Latino

4. Keywords used to search the databases:

 Keywords (use these keywords to start searching)College going culture; Latino youth or Latinos; statistics

Boarder keywords to expand your search (more articles)college education; college students; Latinos

Narrower term to further narrowing down the search (result in less articles)Latino young people, attending college 


  • Last Updated Nov 01, 2022
  • Views 63
  • Answered By Willow / Librarian

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