How can I search for newspapers and newspaper articles?


There are several ways you can search for newspaper articles available in the University Library. 

Searching through OneSearch

Using OneSearch (the Library catalog) and search many different national and international newspaper publications. You can search newspaper in OneSearch by selecting Newspaper Search at the top of the links menu. Some of the newspapers you can search here include 

  • The Toronto Star
  • The Guardian
  • The Financial Times
  • Daily Telegraph

You can also access the Newspaper Search by clicking on this link here

Searching databases

If you have a favorite database or want to search based on a specific topic, search through the databases that contain newspapers and select the database that best suites your research. For example, you can search through business databases like Business (Gale OneFile) or Business Source PremierHere is the list of databases that have newspapers.

Search specific newspapers

The University Library has access to several newspapers if you know the publication you want to search. Here is a list of few of the top newspapers but use the OneSearch Newspaper Search or the Articles database to find a specific newspaper. 

  • Last Updated Jan 26, 2024
  • Views 93
  • Answered By Hannah Lee

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