How do I cite IBISWorld?
IBISWorld is one of the databases focused on business and industry reports that CSUDH students, faculty, and staff can get access through the CSUDH University Library.
According to IBISWorld's Help Center:
MLA style:
“Report Number: Report Name”. IBISWorld. Month of report. Year of report
E.g., 31134: Candy Production in the US. May. 2022.
APA style:
(Year, Month). Report Name. Report Number. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
E.g., (2022, May). Candy Production in the US. 31134. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
Chicago style:
Author, Article name, Database name, Date published, URL
E.g., Dmitry Diment, Candy Production in the US, IBISWorld, May 2022,